Summer School "Coding for Language Communities"

Between 11th and 15th of August the Centro Interdisciplinar de Documentação Linguística e Social will organize another summer school in Minde (Portugal), dedicated to the topic "Coding for Language Communities" (CLC 2014).

There are currently around 7.000 languages spoken all over the world - but each month a language dies. In general we see a strong tendency to learn and use only the major languages such as English, German, French, etc., especially in electronic communication. CLC 2014 is about ongoing research and development to turn that process in exactly the other direction: every successful technology can also be used to teach, revitalize and therefore boost the use of regional languages. This technology should also assist the renewal of local languages and cultures by allowing people to actively teach, learn, extend, and spread their language in their community.

During an exciting and exhausting week we will work together to develop software and tools for under-resourced languages.

Deadline for applications is May 31st, 2014.

Learn more about CLC 2014 here:



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