writing systems

Static on clothes. How to get rid of it

NSF announces Building Community and Capacity for Data-Intensive Research in the SBE Sciences

The NSF Directorates for Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences (SBE) and Education & Human Resources (EHR), together with the Office of Cyberinfrastructure (OCI) recently announced a solicitation for Building Community and Capacity for Data-Intensive Research (http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2012/nsf12538/nsf12538.htm?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT....) with a proposal deadline of 2012-05-22. Here are some snippets from the solicitation.

2011 LSA Orthography Symposium

The 85th Annual Meeting of the LSA (Pittsburgh, 2011) included a symposium on creating orthographies for unwritten languages. Creating an orthography has important implications for both speaker community access and long-term preservation and access to linguistic data. The organizers of the symposium have made the materials (abstracts, handouts, and slides) available here: http://www.sil.org/linguistics/2011LSASymposium/

Invitation from NSF/SBE for white papers describing grand challenges

The NSF Directorate for the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE) released last week a Dear Colleague Letter inviting members of the research community (individuals and groups) to submit by September 30th, 2,000-word-maximum white papers outlining what they think are "grand challenge" questions in the fields supported by SBE "that are both foundational and transformative". These contributions will be used to help the Directorate make plans to support research over the coming decade and beyond.

Dictionaries and Endangered Languages

The Endangered Languages and Dictionaries Project at the University of Cambridge investigates ways of writing dictionaries that better facilitate the maintenance and revitalization of endangered languages. It explores the relationship between documenting a language and sustaining it, and entails collaboration with linguists, dictionary-makers and educators, as well as members of endangered-language communities themselves, in order to determine what lexicographic methodologies work particularly well pedagogically for language maintenance and revitalization.

Dictionaries and Endangered Languages

The Endangered Languages and Dictionaries Project at the University of
Cambridge investigates ways of writing dictionaries that better facilitate
the maintenance and revitalization of endangered languages. It explores the
relationship between documenting a language and sustaining it, and entails
collaboration with linguists, dictionary-makers and educators, as well as
members of endangered-language communities themselves, in order to
determine what lexicographic methodologies work particularly well
pedagogically for language maintenance and revitalization.

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