Next NSF Computing Research Infrastructure (CRI) solicitation deadline is 25 October 2011

The most recent NSF Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) Computing Research Infrastructure (CRI) solicitation was posted on 1 April 2001. The next deadline for proposals is Tuesday, 25 October 2011. CRI supports two types of projects:

  • Institutional Infrastructure, for either
    1. the creation of new computing research infrastructure (II-NEW), or
    2. the enhancement of existing such infrastructure (II-EN).

    that enables "compelling new research and education opportunities for the proposing PI or team of PIs and associated students and collaborators".

  • Community Infrastructure, for either
    1. the planning for computing research infrastructure (CI-P), or
    2. the creation of new computing research infrastructure (CI-ADDO-NEW), or
    3. the enhancement of existing such infrastructure (CI-ADDO-EN).

    that provides "compelling new research and education opportunities for a broadly-based community of researchers that extends well beyond the awardee institution(s)". (ADDO = acquisition, development, deployment and operations", where "operations" is defined as including all aspects of supporting research infrastructure including management, maintenance, operations [sic] and user support.)

One of the types of computing research infrastructure that the program supports is linguistically annotated electronic language and vision corpora. Here is a list of human-language related CRI projects that have been supported in past two years.



  1. CI-P: The "Poor Quality" Meetings Corpus. PI: Adam Janin (ICSI, U CA Berkeley)
  2. CI-P: Deep Understanding Resource. PI: James Allen (FL Inst for Human & Machine Cognition)
  3. II-NEW: Acquiring infrastructure for Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval. PI: Jugal Kalita (U CO Colorado Springs)
  4. II-NEW: Hadoop cluster acquisition, deployment and training for speech and language processing. PI: Izhak Shafran (OR Health & Science U)
  5. II-EN: Development of Publicly Available, Easily Searchable, Linguistically Analyzed, Video Corpora for Sign Language and Gesture Research. PIs: Carole Neidel (Boston U), Dimitris Metaxas (Rutgers U) and Vassilis Athitsos (U TX Arlington)
  6. CI-P: Towards a Consensus Representation for Understanding Structure of Multiparty Conversations. PI: Nelson Morgan (ICSI, U CA Berkeley)
  7. CI-P: Creation of an annotated repository of multilingual and multigenre code switched data for several language pairs. PIs: Mona Diab (Columbia U) and Thamar Solorio (U AL Birmingham)
  8. II-NEW: Towards an Infrastructure for Research on Multimodal Language Processing in Situated Human Robot Dialogue. PI: Joyce Chai (MI S U)

The instructions for preparing the project description are different for the different types of CRI proposals. In particular for CI-P proposals, you are asked to describe:

  • the CRI concept, noting whether the infrastructure is to be created or enhanced,
  • the new research and education opportunities to be afforded by the infrastructure, and
  • the steps you'll take to identify the consensus needs of the research and education community to be served by the infrastructure, including the process you'll follow to identify the major characteristics and features of the infrastructure, its useful lifetime, and its cost to create/enhance, deploy and operate.

II-NEW and II-EN proposals may request up to $1M total for projects lasting for up to three years. CI-P proposals may request up to $100K for one year, to prepare for the subsequent submission of a CI-ADDO proposal. CI-ADDO-NEW and CI-ADDO-EN may request up to $3M total for projects lasting for up to three years, with no more than $250K requested per year for operations expenses. NSF expects to make up to 20 II awards and 10 CI-ADDO awards in each competition. The majority of the II awards will be in the $200K to $750K range, and the majority of the CI-ADDO awards will be in the $500K to $1M range.

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