"Linked Data in Linguistics" at DGfS 2012

Linked Data in Linguistics
Linguists from all disciplines produce more and more data and share the challenge how to make this data accessible to other researchers in their field and beyond. This does not only concern the general availability of data, but also the representation of the structure of the data. Linked Data is one paradigm which can be employed to tackle this task.
We are happy to announce the workshop "Linked Data in Linguistics" at the annual meeting of the German Linguistic Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, DGfS) taking place March 7-9, 2012 in Frankfurt a.M., Germany.

The main objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers from different subdisciplines of linguistics (typology, lexicography, corpus linguistics, NLP), who share an interest in data interoperability. You can find more information and the call for papers at http://ldl2012.lod2.eu. Note that the deadline is rather early, August 7.

This workshop is the fruit of the collaboration between members of the working group "Open Data in Linguistics" of the Open Knowledge Foundation. Another event organized by the OKFN is the upcoming OKCon workshop in Berlin at the end of this month, where there will also be a session on linguistics.

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